Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The first life in the day...

So it's my first blog and my first blog post.  It's a pretty big moment in my life.  Firsts are big and the older you get the harder they are to have.

The impetus is my upcoming trip to India and my desire to keep those of you who are interested in my trip, involved in my experience.  I'll be travelling on a Rotary Friendship Exchange with 9 other people, people I had never met when I first committed to the trip.  A Rotary Friendship Exchange is a reciprocal travel program that provides an opportunity for Rotarians and their families to travel to other countries and experience cultures firsthand. 

So here's the group I'll be travelling with.

Stay tuned for updates.  I anticipate my first chance to post once I have hit foreign soil will be February 4th.  Thanks for reading...


  1. I can't wait! Thank you for blogging, so we may all live/travel surreptitiously through you. :-)

  2. You will have such an amazing time! Safe travels and I can't wait to read the adventures here!

  3. Have a wonderful trip. Take photos of everything that catches your eye! Safe adventures!

  4. Have a safe and wonderful trip!! I'm so looking forward to the blog, seeing photos, hearing stories, and experiencing spices when you return!

  5. Stay true to your goals while there, and by that I mean one donut a week. Had fun with Doug last weekend but missed you. So excited to read about your adventure.

  6. Looks like it's going great! Love the pictures.. incredible. Safe travels and see you when you return :)
