Thursday, February 10, 2011

All the riches in India

So I got called out by one of my new Indian friends for focusing on the poor of India.  I don't necessarily agree.  But to be fair, today I will focus on those in India who are not poor. 

This is our group sitting on a cannon at the Fort outside Aurangabad.  That is one of our hosts in front.  He has the nicest smile!  One note on hosts...we each have a host family but one family is responsible for us each day.  :-)

 Baby Taj

 Yet another wonderfully hosted party.

This party was at one of the Lawns (or Garden Restaurants).  These are outdoor dining and very popular in Aurangabad.  It's a nice time of year for this.  Daytime is a little hot for me but evenings are beautiful.  Notice the glass being raised?  Indians love their whiskey.  I have really enjoyed the Kingfischer beer.  I think because it has been so hot.  They were kind enough to provide me with beer at this party.  Apparently word had gotten around that I swim in beer.

Can't help one picture of "the poor people."  But this school was so clean and the kids so friendly and well mannered.  These girls go around when school is out recruiting other kids to come to school.  It is a government school.  The wealthy and educated Indians send their kids to private schools.  One obstacle for students at this school is that their parents may not allow them to go because they have to take care of younger siblings.  So the school started a daycare so the girls could bring their little brothers and sisters.

And I can't help a funny sign posting.  Many public toilets are "squatters," ie there is no toilet but a porcelain hole in the ground that you squat over.  This sign was on the back of a toilet door in a very nice mall where they actually had toilets. 

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