Monday, February 7, 2011

Dancing, Caves, Temples, Animals, Indian mass transit...

A traditional dance from the state we are in, Maharastra.

These are painting from the Ajanta caves which were carved out of the rock in the BC's.  There were abandoned around 700AD and then rediscovered by a hunter in the early 1800's.  There is a pictures of the outside of the caves below but I can't seem to get it moved up.
 This is from another set of caves, Allora.  They were built after Ajanta.  This is a community room.  Remember, it's carved out of rock with a hammer and chisel.
 The goddess of wealth at Allora...Not me, the carving.
 We felt bad taking pictures of people when we first arrived.  Now, we have had more pictures taken of us.  One person will ask to have their picture taken with one of us and then within minutes it's 20 people and 10 cameras.  And they love to shake hands, an American custom.  I was also shocked to have them ask where we are from.  Everywhere else I have been, I feel like it's assumed I am American.
 Seriously, there are hundreds of pictures of us roaming across India right now.

This is the most amazing thing I have seen, possibly ever.  I have been to Greece and many other amazing places but this is a temple carved out of a mountain side.  It's huge.  The pictures really don't do it justice.

 The view of the most amazing of the caves from above.  It's probably 6 stories high.  And the detail in the carvings...astounding.

Ok, now it's time for a little shopping.  You sit and they bring you clothes.  And tea.
The most I have seen on a bike is 4. 

Goats roaming free.  Along with cows, pigs, dogs, cats, and chickens.  It seems the role of the goat is to eat trash.

Steve noticing that certain parts of the statue have been rubbed smooth from so many people doing the same thing he is.  Also at Allora caves.

These are the Ajanta caves.  I can't get the picture moved up so deal with it.
 <>  The women here dress so beautifully, even when working.
Can you see the bangles she is wearing?  She is carrying cement to men building a brick wall.

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